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Monday 20 August 2018

Bible Curriculum Gr R (Kindergarten) 2019

My son (3 yo) will start Gr. R in 2019 and I am busy gathering his curriculum. I am using a lot of different books and not a set curriculum from one source. This is what I plan on using for our Bible curriculum.

Every morning we read from this illustrated Children's Bible: (Afrikaans version)

 Prentresultaat vir illustrated children s bible

It is a very nice Bible for children that follow the books in the Bible from Genesis through to Revelations. I do not like a Bible that only cover the most popular stories.

We then go on to discuss the story using these Bible cards for memory.
Prentresultaat vir Bybel kaarte
These cards can be used for a lot of games as well.

The last thing I like to have for Bible is writing verses or word from the Bible.
I got this book to start with our writing and seen that my son will only be 3 I don't expect his writing to be perfect but it is a fun way to practice our writing as well.

Prentresultaat vir my eerste bybel leer en doen Prentresultaat vir my eerste bybel leer en doen

These books are available in lots of other languages and are only R20 each. (not even $2).

For now this will be the books we will be using for Bible.
Next up I will show you what we plan on using for Math.

What is your favourite resource for Bible?

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